We Must Die to Live
“I have to die to get better.” Have you felt that way? You feel so sick that you about wish you would go ahead and die so that you can…
“I have to die to get better.” Have you felt that way? You feel so sick that you about wish you would go ahead and die so that you can…
Religious Ritualism has always been a problem. This means that one is just going through motions, and going through motions without a heart of faith, even those commanded by God,…
“Now there were certain Greeks among those that went up to worship at the feast: these therefore came to Philip, who was of Bethsaida of Galilee, and asked him, saying,…
Acts 10 tells about a man named Cornelius. He was a devout man who desired to be in a right relationship with God. God heard his prayers and responded by…
Let’s say there are some original practices of an original group of people. That group of people is known as the “Originals.” The Originals put those practices down in writing…
The gospel accounts demonstrate that people regularly underestimated the power and authority of Jesus. This is especially seen in the way that they tried to arrest Him. The point is…
Grace, faith, and obedience are brothers in the kingdom of God. Some seem to dismiss the need to obey completely because they see grace in a lopsided kind of way.…
Repentance and confession are fundamental to the Christian’s relationship to God. These are not merely one time “steps” in a 5-point plan of salvation, but are necessary components in an…
The world is broken, and the evidence for this is all around us: mass shootings, sanctioned slaughter of the unborn, inability to know who we are, sexual evils, and the…
Baptism, which, biblically, is immersion, is not our design. We didn’t invent it as a practice. We didn’t come up with the reasons for doing it. We weren’t the ones…